Surgical Penile Prosthesis

Surgical Penile Prosthesis is a process which is used to treat erectile dysfunction. This involves placing a rod or tubing inside of the penis surgically, which allows him to achieve an erection and maintain it for a period of time. Keep reading to learn more information about surgical penile prosthesis and how it is achieved.
The most common form of penile prosthesis is the insertion of a malleable rod into the erection chambers in a man’s penis. This will allow him to better achieve erection, and maintain it, however, it can be difficult to become accustomed to. The penis does not become as flaccid as it did before the surgery.
More men are choosing to have surgical penile prosthesis which will allow him to reach erection when he chooses. This method is becoming more popular as men learn more about it.
How does the surgical penile prosthesis work?
The newer kind of prosthesis which allows a man to achieve an erection whenever he chooses, consists of two cylinders. One of them is a reservoir, and one is a pump. The two cylinders are inserted into the penis and then connected to a separate reservoir. This reservoir is implanted under the muscle in the groin area. A pump is installed to operate the system. This is implanted in the scrotum and sits between the testicles.
To operate the prosthesis, the man presses the pump through the loose scrotum skin. This causes the liquid in the groin area reservoir to move into the reservoir in the penis. This is what creates the erection. When the man is ready to lose the erection, he presses a different part of the pump, and the liquid goes back into the groin reservoir.
What Are the Risks?
With this surgery, there is a small chance of uncontrolled bleeding. This may require more surgery to fix. There are also the possibilities of forming scar tissue, infection, erosion, or mechanical failure. However, 90 to 95 % of these operations go smoothly, with no complications. 80 to 90% of men who undergo surgical penile prosthesis are happy with the results.
Other Information
The surgical penile prosthesis does not interfere with orgasm, or ejaculation. There are no physical changes to the penis, and the only scarring occurs at the base of the penis above the scrotum. Men will not feel embarrassed in locker rooms or public bathrooms.
If you are considering surgical penile prosthesis, use the information above to help you decide on how to proceed. Speaking with your doctor is a good idea, as he can help you come up with a plan to treat your erectile dysfunction. Before deciding on any type of surgical penile prosthesis, you should do research and learn all you can about the different types of prosthesis and risks of complications.