Liposuction Fat Transfer Surgery

With this method of enhancement, donor fat will need to be taken from somewhere on the patient’s body. Common places that physicians will choose to harvest donor fat from are the abdomen, buttocks, ‘love handles’ or the legs. This fat will be stripped of everything but the dry fat. Fluid, connective fibers and tissue are removed from the fat, leaving only it. This fat is then inserted into the patient’s penis. There are two cylindrical tubes that run the length of the shaft in a man’s penis. These are called the erection chambers or Corpora Cavernosa. Inside of these tubes is a spongy tissue which fills with blood during a man’s erection. Above these chambers and below the thin skin of the penis is where the fat will be placed.
When the doctor injects the fat into this area, he is able to ‘mold’ the fat. This ensures that there are no uneven lumps, bumps or abnormalities. He is able to increase the girth of the patient’s penis up to 50%. This all depends, however, on the amount of fat that is harvestable. This increase in size is noticed immediately after the procedure is done.
After the surgery, the man’s penis is securely wrapped so that it will not be moved. If it is moved prematurely after surgery, there is a chance that the fat will not take. There is usually no need for touch ups or things like that. The fat that is injected into the penis will not be absorbed by the body the way fluid is. This is because of the process of removing the liquid and other things from the fat.
There are many reasons that men choose to have Liposuction Fat Transfer done. A man may feel insecure about the way his penis looks or how small it is. He might be so embarrassed that he avoids sexual intimacy, locker rooms or other places where people might see his penis. This kind of thing can lead to severe depression, withdrawal and just general unhappiness with the way his penis appears.
This is why LFT is such a great thing. Taking care of the desires he wants for his penis can keep him from experiencing any further lack of confidence, self esteem or withdrawal. This is a great thing for most men. If you are considering a LFT, you should speak with your doctor. He can help you determine if this is the correct procedure for you and your own unique needs, body type and desires.