Semen Production Process

The first day that you ejaculate is often a day most teenage boys remember for the rest of their lives. The combination of fear, awe and shock are a potent combination and it often sears that moment into memory forever. But what exactly caused you to start producing sperm then and how does your body manage to make so much of it over your lifetime?
As it turns out, semen is actually manufactured in four different places in the body, all at once. The actual semen isn’t even made by the testicles, since semen refers to the fluid in which the sperm travel in. The testicles are responsible for manufacturing the sperm, while the fluid the sperm travel in is made by other parts of the body. The sperm makes up a very small percentage of the total mass of the semen. Sperm usually account for about 1% of the total mass.
The overwhelming majority of the total fluid that is ejaculated is made by a pair of glands near the bladder known as the seminal vesicle. These glands can measure anywhere between 5 and 10 centimeters and they are responsible for making as much as 70 percent of the total amount of fluid in your sperm.
The rest of your seminal fluid is produced by the prostate gland. Anywhere between 25-30 percent of the total fluid is made here. It is thought that the fluid contributed by the prostate works to help make fertilization more likely. Zinc is also contributed by the prostate, and often times, if a couple is having trouble conceiving, a zinc deficiency is often the cause.
Finally, a tiny amount of the overall seminal fluid is made by the bulbourethral gland. This gland helps to secrete a small amount of fluid that helps the semen move out of the penis and into the vagina. This can be as little as 1% of the overall mass of what is ejaculated.