Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction affects around 22 in every 1000 men. This condition is characterized by the inability to achieve or maintain an erection. Most men will experience some type of erectile dysfunction in their lifetime. Around 40, the chances that a man will experience this condition become greater. Most men who notice a problem will not be affected all of the time, and it probably won’t cause lasting psychological or emotional problems.
However, some men experience chronic erectile dysfunction. Chronic erectile dysfunction is when a man fails to achieve or maintain an erection most of the time. This can cause problems in a relationship, and this can cause the man to feel as if he’s not good enough. This is an embarrassing and difficult condition to handle. Men who experience this may feel as though they are not a ‘real man,’ and it may cause frustration and anxiety. This can lead to a low self-esteem, and the avoidance of sexual situations.
Men who are experiencing this condition should know that it is treatable, and it is not just something that they have to go through because they are getting older. At almost any age, a man can have a healthy sexual relationship. This condition does not mean that you are not a real man, and many people experience erectile dysfunction. The important thing is getting treatment so that the individual can avoid the problems that are associated with it, such as a low self esteem and other issues. Learning what you can about erectile dysfunction is a great idea, as it will help you when deciding how to proceed with this issue.
What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?
There are many different factors which might cause a man to experience erectile dysfunction. Some of the most common causes are:
-Reduced blood flow to the penis – There are a few things which might cause a smaller blood flow or reduction of blood flow to the penis. Vascular disease is responsible for causing a reduced blood flow to all areas of the body. With this condition, there is a chance that impotence or erectile dysfunction can occur. When the blood flow to the penis is lessened, the man may experience symptoms such as the inability to achieve or maintain an erection. This happens a lot in men over the age of 60. In fact, vascular disease is the cause of 50 to 60 percent of the cases of erectile dysfunction in men this age or older.
-Damaged nerves – If a man has had to have surgery for one reason or the other, there is a chance that his nerves may be damaged. This can also cause erectile dysfunction. If the man has had some type of injury or trauma to the penis, this can cause nerve, tissue, or muscle damage. This type of damage can lead to erectile dysfunction. Penile augmentation surgery can also lead to possible erectile dysfunction complications.
What Are The Effects of Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile Dysfunction can cause some serious effects if it is not addressed with a man’s doctor. Here are a few of the effects of erectile dysfunction.
-Lower Self Esteem – A man’s sexual performance is what makes up a large part of his self esteem. Being unable to achieve or maintain an erection can make a man feel worthless, like a failure, and that he’s not a ‘real man.’ Although these things are not true, it is easy to see how this condition could affect a man’s self esteem this way. If a man is not able to perform, he can become very embarrassed. Seeking treatment can ensure that this doesn’t happen.
-Relationship Problems – When a man is unable to perform, he becomes embarrassed. This is a terrible and vulnerable feeling to experience, especially in front of his partner. Usually the man will want to avoid these feelings in any way he can, so he will avoid intimate situations. This can lead to distance between him and his partner, which can turn into relationship problems.
Treatment Options:
There are several different methods of treating Erectile Dysfunction. Speaking with your doctor can help you determine what the best method of treatment is for you. Here are the most common treatments for erectile dysfunction.
-Therapy – For men who have erectile dysfunction that is caused by psychological problems, a doctor may suggest therapy. Therapy will deal with the issues that have resulted in one way or another in erectile dysfunction
-Drugs – There are several popular drugs on the market today for dealing with erectile dysfunction. These drugs, such as Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra are enzyme inhibitors. This helps partial erection problems by relaxing the muscles in the penis and improving blood flow.
-Alternative treatments – This is best for preventing erectile dysfunction. Certain foods may cause vascular disease, which can lead to erectile dysfunction. There are herbs available as well that may help erectile dysfunction. You should discuss herbal treatments with your doctor to avoid prescription medication interactions.
The most important thing a man with erectile dysfunction can do is seek treatment. Men do not have to live with this condition, and they can take their lives back.