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Alternative Treatment Options for Prostate Cancer


There are other treatment options available for men who have been diagnosed with Prostate cancer. Men may choose to utilize alternative treatments to avoid some of the more difficult side effects of surgery or other medical treatments. Here are some of the most popular alternative treatments and some information about them.

Hormone Therapy – Androgen Deprivation:

The goal with this kind of hormone therapy is to reduce the amount of androgens found in the body. Androgens are male hormones, and the one which is found with the highest levels in men is Testosterone. These androgens, which are produced mainly in the testicles, stimulate the cancer cells to develop more quickly and grow more. Removal of these androgens may cause the cancer to reduce, or slow the growth and spreading rate.

This type of treatment may also be used in conjunction with other types of treatment, to make them more effective, or if you are unable to receive chemo therapy or surgery. It is also sometimes used if the cancer is incurable.


Although diet is not actually a treatment option, it belongs in this section because of the benefits that good nutrition offers a Prostate cancer patient. This can be utilized to prevent prostate cancer, especially if there are significant risk factors for the disease. It can also be helpful to keep cancer at bay once it has been cured. Studies show that a patient who takes advantage of the cancer fighting nutrients found in fruits and vegetables may have a greater chance of keeping himself from a recurrence. When a person is in recurrence, it means that the cancer that was removed is re-developing. Utilizing good nutrients found in fruits, vegetables, whole grain rice, cereals, breads, and pastas can be helpful for a patient who is combating cancer.

Herbal Options:

While not a substitute for medical treatment, herbal alternatives are sometimes sought by men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer. One of the most commonly used herbs for Prostate Cancer is Saw Palmetto. This acts as an inhibitor for certain androgens, which may over time reduce the cancer or slow the growth rate. As with prescription medications, herbs should be discussed with your doctor, because certain herbs can interfere with some prescription medications.

Speaking to your doctor can help you come up with a good treatment plan. Don’t be afraid to ask him or her questions, and get information on all of the treatment options available to you. Coming up with the plan that is right for you is the key to combating cancer and having a longer life.

Male Enhancement Product Reviews, Tips and Tricks
Male Enhancement Product Reviews, Tips and Tricks