Male Enhancement Product Reviews, Tips and Tricks

Penis Envy


Sigmund Freud first created the term “penis envy” to describe the reaction that girls experience during their psychosexual development once they realize that they do not have a penis. This has become a controversial term in psychology, but Freud believed that this is a defining moment for girls in their development of their identity as a woman and understanding their gender. In recent years, this term has come to refer to the anxiety many men feel regarding the size of their penis.

A large number of men are concerned by the size of their penis. This can cause a lot of anxiety and concern for men. These feelings can interfere with normal, everyday life, especially if these feelings pervade your thoughts consistently. When this happens, men report that they feel sexually inadequate, insecure in their relationships, intimidated by other men, and undesirable to women. The man may also avoid intimacy so that he will not feel that he did not satisfy his partner and will be able to avoid rejection. Some men even avoid intimate relationships altogether so that they will t be hurt.

In many world cultures, the size of a man’s penis is important. It can be seen as a sign of dominance, power, virility, and masculinity. In these cultures, men with smaller penises are often perceived to be weaker, less masculine, and less powerful. In fact, some tribal cultures give power to men based on the size of their penis.

In the Western world, a man’s power is not determined by the size of his penis. However, his perception of himself had a great deal of influence on the power the man can obtain. If a man is consumed with doubt stemming from his self-perceived inadequate penis, then he will lack the focus and determination needed in order to become powerful. He will constantly compare himself to other men, and he will never see himself to be their equal.

Studies indicate that most men underestimate the size of their own penises. This is especially true when men are comparing themselves to another man in a gym or restroom. In this situation, the man is looking directly down at himself, but he is looking sideways at the other man. This angle, and an accumulation of fat at the base of the penis, can cause many men to believe that their penises are smaller than usual. In fact, a recent study conducted by sexologists demonstrates that the large majority of men who believed that they had a smaller penis actually have a normal sized penis.

Some men have elected to have penile implants surgically inserted in the penis. This is very common in men who have trouble achieving and maintaining an erection because of their feelings of insecurity. Other men have sought help from sexologists or psychologists in order to best cope with their feelings of inadequacy and engage in normal, intimate relationships with members of the opposite sex.

Male penis envy can be managed and addressed effectively if treatment is sought. Once treatment begins, men report that they feel stronger, more powerful, and more attractive.

Male Enhancement Product Reviews, Tips and Tricks
Male Enhancement Product Reviews, Tips and Tricks