Male Enhancement Product Reviews, Tips and Tricks
Male Enhancement Product Reviews, Tips and Tricks
Male Enhancement Product Reviews, Tips and Tricks

PC Muscle Exercises

It has long been known that women can benefit from doing exercises known as Kegels. Many times doctors tell women just out of childbirth to do Kegel exercises in order to strengthen the pubococcyeus muscles that have weakened during pregnancy, labor and delivery. The result of these exercises for a woman is the ability to stop any urinary incontinence that has occurred due to the pregnancy, and to help tone the muscles in order to prevent pelvic floor problems. Most women report that Kegels increase sexual gratification by a large amount.

Men can also do PC, or Kegel, exercises. The exercise is done by lifting up the testicles by muscle alone. If done correctly, the man should feel the muscles around his anus tighten as well, since the muscle begins around the anus. The man should contract and release the muscles multiple times in one sitting, learning to hold the muscles for longer times as they continue to do the exercises. After continued practice, a man should be able to hold the muscle tight for at least eight seconds.

One of the biggest things that male Kegel exercises are becoming known for is helping with premature ejaculation. It is believed by some that strengthening and toning of the pubococcygeal muscle will allow the man to have more control over his ejaculation. Some doctors and sex specialists even feel that if the muscle is strengthened enough, the man is able to achieve orgasm without ejaculation, which would allow the man to go longer and to have multiple climaxes during one round of intercourse.

Women can add resistance when they do their Kegels by using specially designed tools, but as yet there have been no tools designed to add resistance when a man is doing Kegels. Men that have strengthened their pubococcygeal muscle report that they not only have better control, but that they have more intense orgasms as well.