Male Enhancement Product Reviews, Tips and Tricks
Male Enhancement Product Reviews, Tips and Tricks
Male Enhancement Product Reviews, Tips and Tricks

Male Yeast Infection


It is not uncommon to hear women say that they have a yeast infection. Many men may not realize, though, that they can get a yeast infection as well. A male yeast infection may also be called a penile yeast infection. A male yeast infection can be very painful, as the most common symptom is a rash and irritation at the head of the penis. Urination may be painful and the head or base of the penis may itch. There may also be a cheesy or milky discharge that comes out of the penis. Some men also report having blisters on the head of their penis.

There are a few different ways that a man can get a penile yeast infection. One is through the use of antibiotics. Prolonged antibiotic use can cause the body to kill off good bacteria, allowing bad bacteria to grow. This is a common problem for women, but is not seen quite as often for men. Diabetes often causes high sugar levels in the urine, which is a breeding ground for yeast, so men that have diabetes need to make sure that they monitor their sugar on a regular basis. The most frequent way a man gets a penile yeast infection is through his partner.

A woman who has a yeast infection and has unprotected sex with him can transmit the yeast infection to the man. What often happens in a long-term relationship is that the woman gives the man a yeast infection and treats her infection, only to get re-infected by him when they have sex again. It is very important that both partners recognize the signs and symptoms of a yeast infection, so that they know how to stop infecting each other.

Treatment for a penile yeast infection is generally either through medication or over-the-counter creams. If a yeast infection is bad enough, a doctor will put a man on drugs to help kill the fungus. Some doctors go the conservative route and tell the man to purchase some over-the-counter cream, such as Monistat, and to apply it twice a day for a week. If the symptoms have not disappeared after that time, a doctor should be consulted. Most doctors recommend that sexual intercourse is put on hold while the treatment is in process.